Daytona Cluster Growth Team...
I have praying very sincerely and diligently that God grants me the opportunity to serve in a substantial way. I have been given such great and numerous blessings lately and I want to...nay, I need to give back. But there has not yet been a clear path. Well, this was emailed to me today.
"The Regional Baha'i Counsil of the Southern States is pleased to announce the formation of the Daytona Cluster Growth Team. The members are Ana M., Cindy M., Gail R., and ME!"
I am so happy and excited about this. I am actually going to be able to directly contribute to the growth of my Cluster from a "B-Cluster" to an "A-Cluster". And the other three people that I will be working with are so much fun. I have such a feeling of being "plugged in" into the Faith.
so kewl.
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