Friday, June 17, 2005

Virtual yard-sales...

Often, I feel like a yard-sale addict, who sorts through other peoples belongings that have been offered up for all to see. The items on display are not junk, as they possess memories and bonds of human emotions as all were important to someone, at sometime. But they are now rendered insignificant. And as these yard-sale-ers peruse through all the items with varied interest, occasionally they will find that great old lamp or cool retro shirt or whatever. An item that they just can't live without and can't wait to show it off to all their friends.

Well, for me it is The Web. I spend a lot of time on the internet sorting through uninspired, mediocre websites, blogs, and forums. Sometimes though, I am lucky enough to stumble upon a gem of really wonderful, inspiring, and significant web content. I enjoy sharing these discoveries with people of similar interest; so periodically I will post these links for you.

Side item: It just occurred to me that this blog is my "yard-sale" of sorts and I wonder how many people will think my web content is uninspired and mediocre? Hmmm?

I came across a site that has really impressed me with such rich web content. It just happens to be Baha'i related (unofficially) and has some very well thought out, insightful, and dare I say inspiring articles/essays on a wide variety of topics. And each article uses Baha'i writings to support the point and educate the reader. Well done indeed.