Friday, June 17, 2005

Definitions: succor

As we read the writings there are many words we don't know or recognize. Often its during a prayer or discussion that is inappropriate to interrupt for a definition. Then, if you are like me, forget the word when you get home so can't look it up. I will periodically post a definition of words that I find difficult or don't know the meaning to. It helps me to move it into long-term memory and I hope it can help others as well.

succor (soo kor) alt. succour

1. Assistance in time of distress; relief.
2. One that affords assistance or relief.

"...Think ye of love and good fellowship as the delights of heaven, think ye of hostility and hatred as the torments of hell. Indulge not your bodies with rest, but work with all your souls, and with all your hearts cry out and beg of God to grant you His succour and grace. Thus may ye make this world the Abhá Paradise, and this globe of earth the parade ground of the realm on high..."
('Abdu’l-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu’l-Bahá, p244-5)