Sunday, September 25, 2005

Letter to the Baha'is of Volusia...

I've just returned from another wonderful Devotional at Rowena's home and I am compelled to share something with you all.

I want to thank all of you for your friendship and love.

I have been a Baha'i in my heart and mind since I was 13 years old but I had never felt involved or connected with my communities. In the beginning, it may have been due to the personalities of members of the communities. It may have been that I was too young and immature to relate to them and appreciate my communities. Perhaps a little of both. These were good communities but for whatever reason we just didn't "click". Then through the years I just stopped going altogether.

Looking back, I see this has severely stunted my spiritual growth. I've come to the realization that I have been a Baha'i for 22 years and I don't know very much about it. Nearly everything that I know about being a Baha'i is from what I learned from age 13 to 17 (and from a teenager's perspective).

My point to all this is that all of my life I have felt like I did not "fit in" with my communities, and subsequently did not "feel" like a Baha'i. I felt as if I were merely an outsider that was tolerated; allowed to join in but not be a part of it.

Since the day I came to the picnic at the park about 6 months ago and met the community I have received nothing but genuine, sincere love and acceptance. The first few months I was waiting for the "other shoe to drop" and things would go back to what I'm familiar with. Communities that are unorganised, distant, or unfriendly. I now know this community is not too good to be true.

Each and every member of our community that I have met is warm, vibrant, and outgoing with a deep, passionate love for The Faith. We have a very cohesive community that genuinely enjoys being with each other. We are a FUN community. We may be small in comparison to others but we have an intimacy that is to be cherished and nurtured. What I/we experienced at Nylah's Welcoming Circle was proof enough for me. That was the single most satisfying Baha'i event I have ever been to.

I, for the first time, truly feel like a Baha'i. I feel accepted, appreciated, and as an equal. Because of this I have grown more spiritually and have learned more about our Baha'i Faith in 6 months than I have in 22 years. I thank you and I cherish you. I am truly humbled by the blessings God and Bahá'u'lláh have given to me through you.


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Welcoming Circle...

I just came back from the most wonderful Baha'i Declaration celebration. It was for a truly amazing young lady, Nylah R. As you can see by the invitation to the right, it was a Welcome Circle. And just as it sounds, Baha'is in the area gather to welcome a newly Declared Baha'i into our Faith. I had never been to one before (and I barely remember my own declaration).

This was so much fun! Basically, there was an empty scrapbook/photo album dedicated to Nylah at the gathering. Each person who attends is given prior notice to bring something for the scrapbook. It can be a favorite picture, poem, story, button...anything. Then there were tables put out with an assortment of rubber stamps, markers, stickers, scissors that cut unique borders, etc. We used these to decorate our entry to the scrapbook. Then we all gather around the newly declared and each take a turn saying a few positive words or praises about the person and "show & tell" our item for the scrapbook and what it means to us. At the end each contribution is collected and put into the scrapbook and given to the newly declared Baha'i.

Nylah is a very special person. I know that in her hands and in others like her the future of our Faith is secure.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Daytona Cluster Growth Team...

I have praying very sincerely and diligently that God grants me the opportunity to serve in a substantial way. I have been given such great and numerous blessings lately and I want to...nay, I need to give back. But there has not yet been a clear path. Well, this was emailed to me today.

"The Regional Baha'i Counsil of the Southern States is pleased to announce the formation of the Daytona Cluster Growth Team. The members are Ana M., Cindy M., Gail R., and ME!"

I am so happy and excited about this. I am actually going to be able to directly contribute to the growth of my Cluster from a "B-Cluster" to an "A-Cluster". And the other three people that I will be working with are so much fun. I have such a feeling of being "plugged in" into the Faith.

so kewl.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Definitions: verily

verily (ver i lee)

1. In truth; in fact.
2. With confidence; assuredly.

Thy name is my healing, oh my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy. Nearness to Thee is my hope and love for Thee is my companion. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Thou, verily, are the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. - Baha'u'llah

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Year of Waiting request...

I have requested a Year of Waiting from my LSA.

"As far as Bahá’í law is concerned, divorce is automatically granted at the end of the year of waiting if reconciliation has not taken place, but… in the United States Bahá’í divorce cannot become effective until the civil divorce is granted..."
(Letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, May 1, 1967)

The purpose of the year of waiting is for reconciliation of the couple and to provide a time for the individuals to evaluate themselves in relation to beginning a new life alone.

"Dating in the spirit of courtship is outside the bounds of Bahá’í propriety, even where the interpersonal relationship of the couple is not blatant or flagrant, casting reflections upon the strict morality required of Bahá’ís."
(Letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, December 6, 1981)

We shall see how it goes.