Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Cluster Reflection Gathering 02/11/06

Dear Friends, the next Cluster Reflection Gathering is coming up February 11, 2006.

Our new Cluster Growth Team (CGT) has planned a fun and informative program that includes a talk by International Pioneer Jim Taylor, introduction to our new community-inspired website, and new teaching strategies based on the 4 core activities. Excitement & momentum is building in our Cluster, please be a part of it.

This is open to friends, family, and seekers.

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"Without the spirit of real love..."

Since February is the month of love (Valentine's Day)...

"Without the spirit of real love for Bahá'u'lláh, for His Faith and its Institutions, and the believers for each other, the Cause can never really bring in large numbers of people. For it is not preaching and rules the world wants, but love and action."
(from letter dated Oct. 25, 1949, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer)

Allah'u'Abha dear friends

February Calendar

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