Monday, January 16, 2006

Baha'i Youth 'Making the World a Better Place'

When given a list of future or life goals as part of a recent survey polling Baha'i youth, some 90 percent of respondents said they plan to “do service,” and are optimistic about their own capacity to make a difference in their community and in the world.

Along those lines, Baha'i youth also feel a strong commitment to social change and social justice, as evidenced by their high incidence (46 percent) of involvement in charity and service projects and by their expressed tendency to take action on issues of social justice that concern them most.

The survey, which was co-sponsored by the National Teaching Committee and the Office of Development at the Baha'i National Center in Evanston, Ill., also revealed that Baha'i youth feel supported by their local Baha'i community and Baha'i administrative institutions and have what they need to be active participants in community life.

To read full article click HERE

To read "In Service to the Common Good-Youth" booklet click HERE

* We have some amazing Baha'i Youth & Jr. Youth of our own! Ask how you can get involved.

"If you feel that you can't change the world, change the life of a child and they will do it for you." - C. West Miller